Fireside Chats – Monica Goulette Pt. 2
Welcome back to Part 2 of the Ottobock Fireside Chats talk show, featuring host Lacey Henderson and Monica Goulette.
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Young C-Brace enthusiast shares her physical and emotional journey
During this episode, Monica talks more about the physical changes she endured from her illness, as well as the emotional side of experiencing life-altering transformations to her body.
Losing her vision was the first and hardest adaptation Monica faced. She is legally blind. When it first happened, she wondered, “How do I survive in this world? How do I live in this world?” Monica also noticed a loss of other sensations, as well as the paralysis in her leg. It was a struggle to adapt to a leg that no longer worked.
She slowly discovered helpful resources. She also learned something important about herself through this journey, where she constantly had to adapt new changes in her life.
“I had to have the grace to fail, and get back up and keep trying,” she said.
During the first few years of paralysis, Monica was in a drop-locked KAFO and had to learn how to “maneuver the world walking with, as you can imagine, a straight leg.”
When Monica shopped for a new orthotist, she met a clinician who encouraged her to attend a C-Brace trial. That trial changed the trajectory of her life.
This is an episode you won’t want to miss. Let us know what you think by leaving a comment on our YouTube page.
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