Fireside Chats – Monica Goulette Pt. 3
Welcome back to Part 3 of the Ottobock Fireside Chats talk show, featuring host Lacey Henderson and Monica Goulette.
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C-Brace® user shares her experiences adapting to a new life
Monica Goulette contracted a viral infection as a child that resulted in paralysis in her right leg. After three years of walking with a deviated gait, she addressed a variety of physical and emotional issues.
In this episode, Monica talks about how she adapted to different situations, and how much her family, orthotist, physical therapist, and occupational therapist supported her. She and Lacey also commiserate about what it is like to interact with curious onlookers and absorb those “stares” from strangers.
Monica’s life changed dramatically after her C-Brace trial. She describes how she became overwhelmed with emotion when she observed herself in a mirror walking between the parallel bars, in her orthotist’s office. It was the first time in years that she saw her body walk properly, with a healthy gait. “Almost immediately, I felt that relief of … I’m not hurting my body anymore,” she said.
Two weeks after receiving her own C-Brace, she joined her family on a four-mile hike in the mountains. That was when she realized that her new life offered a wealth of adventurous possibilities.
Learn more about Monica’s experiences and let us know what you think by leaving a comment on our YouTube page for this episode.
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